KPMG China


Corporate Social Responsibility

Global Green Initiative - Inspire Antarctic Expedition 2009

Leah Jin's Q&A Forum

> I also have a question for Leah

Why do you want to go on to this trip?
Leah: I am interested in climate change and sustainability issues. Going on the trip to observe the deteriorating ecosystem in Antarctica and how our actions can have a positive impact will be a fascinating experience for me.

What are you expected to do as the representative for KPMG China?
Leah: As the firm's representative, one of my objectives is to share knowledge and insights gained on the Expedition with my colleagues to help increase their understanding of the impact of climate change and what we can all do to tackle the problem. I can also leverage off what I learnt to advise clients as needed.

What kind of preparation have you done for this trip?
Leah: I like outdoor activities very much and am physically fit for the trip. I bought necessary equipment for the extreme weather, like a thick Gore-Tex down jacket, a waterproof camera, and ski goggles. Because this is absolutely different from other trips I've taken, I'm going with an open mind, ready for whatever experience it gives me.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of KPMG firms.



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